Karen Nguyen

Karen is a PharmD Candidate ‘22 at the University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy. She received her BA in Biological Sciences and a minor in Spanish from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Currently, her research with Dr. Slejko focuses on incorporating the patient voice into COPD treatment value assessment frameworks, through a discrete choice experiment.

She enjoys being active in the UMSOP community, through her roles with AMCP and SGA. Her interests include content creation, managed care, marketing, increasing patient access to care, and serving minority populations. Karen also runs the largest Facebook group dedicated to connecting individuals passionate about pharmacy, especially in the Asian community.
• Email: kvnguyen@umaryland.edu
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvnguyen
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/subtleasianpharmers/