Julia F. Slejko, PhD is an Associate Professor in Department of Practice, Sciences, and Health Outcomes Research (P-SHOR) at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and is Co-Director of the Patient-Driven Values in Healthcare Evaluation (PAVE) Center and Director of the Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Graduate Program.

Dr. Slejko’s research interests include applied health economic modeling, real-world health economics and outcomes research, and patient-informed value assessment. She holds a BA in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from the University of Colorado Boulder.  Her PhD training at the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy Center for Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research was focused on pharmacoeconomics.  Her postdoctoral training was completed at the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program in the University of Washington School of Pharmacy. Prior to her PhD training, she had a seven-year career in drug discovery at Array BioPharma in Boulder, CO.  Dr. Slejko is very active in ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research, where she serves as co-lead of ISPOR’s Women in HEOR initiative, Co-Chair of the ISPOR Faculty Advisor Council and is a member of ISPOR’s Health Science Policy Council.

Research Interests:

My research focuses on assessing economic and comparative value of medications and health care decisions. Decision-analytic modeling for economic and health outcomes assessments serves as the methodological foundation for these assessments. My work has aimed to inform decision-analytic models with real-world evidence on effectiveness, in particular patients’ adherence to medications as a determinant of value, how adherence affects economic evaluations and how predicting and improving adherence may increase value. Current research is focused on prioritizing, quantifying and translating elements of value important to patients using a framework developed by the PAVE Center. This includes related elements such as those observable in retrospective data sources (e.g. adherence), as well as those elicited directly from individuals (e.g. preferences for health equity). Past work includes modeling medication adherence and translating pharmacometric findings to cost-effectiveness analyses.

Through synthesis of real-world evidence to inform economic decisions, together with my team, we have reported findings related to treatment and health outcomes disparities and associations with geographic area-level indicators.

As Co-Director of the Patient-Driven Values in Healthcare Evaluation (PAVE) Center, I lead research on incorporating patient-driven value elements into cost-effectiveness analyses and other components of value assessments.

I am faculty advisor for our UMB ISPOR Student Chapter.


Fall/Spring: Research Methods I (PHSR 701) & Research Methods II (PHSR 702)

Spring: Regulated Products in the Marketplace– Pharmacoeconomics Module 5 (REGS 641)


Contact Information:

Julia F. Slejko, PhD
Associate Professor
Practice, Sciences, and Health Outcomes Research (P-SHOR) |University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Saratoga Building |220 Arch Street, 12th Floor, Room 01-214 |Baltimore, MD 21201
410.706.5397 office |720.937.9605 mobile | 410.706.5394 fax
jslejko@rx.umaryland.edu |@juliaslejko https://faculty.rx.umaryland.edu/jslejko/